- by Arne Tarara

We recently had a team of aspiring UX researches at Green Coding Solutions that made a research project on how the Green Metrics Tool can be used. This is a guest article with their results [...]

Power measurement on macOS
- by Arne Tarara

Last week we have been on the SDIA event for sustainble software and held a workshop on measuring the energy digital products. We presented approchaes where you measure the energy either with tool like Scaphandre or the Green Metrics Tool as well as approaches for restricted environments like the cloud. [...]

Estimating Cloud Energy Consumption with a Linear Model - Part 1
- by Dan Mateas

This arcticle is part of a multi-part series. Be sure to check out / stay tuned for the other parts! A big goal for us here is at how to measure the energy/carbon use of cloud services. [...]

Reproducing the Blauer Engel für Software measurements for Okular
- by Arne Tarara

In the past we have joined the Workshop around the Blauer Engel (with the Öko Institut e.V. as the host this year) and also some of the regular meetings from the KDE Eco Team. [...]

Trying out Firefox 104 energy measurements
- by Arne Tarara

In an earlier version of the article the calculation statement contained a message about us being confused why the conversion factor is 277000000. Thanks to Silas Duddeck from the Goethe University in Frankfurt who pointed out that the factor should be 1J = 2,777778⋅10-7kWh = (1/3600000)kWh => 277777777 Mozilla released a new version 104 this week which sports a power measurement feature. [...]

Updating the DC measurements
- by Arne Tarara

In my last blog post I have written about how we finally completed the DC measurement reporter for our Green Metrics Tool. In the last days we have looked at reducing the variance of the ATX powerlanes and finding out if swapping out the resistors for more stable current measurement resistors can improve the measurement. [...]

DC energy measurements for software
- by Arne Tarara

We finally got our DC measurement setup ready … sadly around one month later than expected. If you wanna see first results go here: Wordpress sample measurement Stress sample measurement If you wann get the details of our journey, why we are integrating it into our tool, some tech specs and the future outlook on when we have the AC measurement ready, then read on :) [...]

CO2 Formulas and Case Studies
- by Arne Tarara

Starting this month we will be releasing articles in a regular fashion about insights into energy use of specifc software tools or architectures. In order to lay a foundation to follow these articles we have created at a CO2 Formulas page, where you can find all the relevant formulas how to calculate the energy use of software. [...]

Version 0.1-beta released
- by Arne Tarara

Today we have have released the 0.1-beta version of our Green Metrics Tool Version 0.1-beta is considered a non-production version. We are currently working on the falsification of our energy measurements with public energy measurement databases. [...]

Progress on energy measurements
- by Arne Tarara

Today we have pushed the first beta of our metrics providers for full OS Intel RAPL readings. You can see the full details of our demo runs with the static version of the Green Website Foundation Page in our Green Metrics Tool Measurements Overview [...]