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PowerLetrics talk at Fosdem

The environmental impact of software and hardware systems has become a pressing concern. While mainstream operating systems like macOS and Windows provide proprietary tools to analyze energy usage, Linux—the cornerstone of open-source computing—lacks comparable capabilities. To address this gap, we present PowerLetrics, an open-source framework enabling detailed, per-process energy footprint analysis on Linux systems.

Green Coding study released

Our study in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Verena Majuntke from HTW Berlin and dena (German Energy Agency) has been published!

The content is the analysis and recommendations for action for politics, companies, research and civil society on how green coding can contribute to sustainable digitalization and reduced electricity consumption.

Blauer Engel certification for Green Metrics Tool

Our Green Metrics Tool has been awarded the Blue Angel for resource and energy efficient software! Details: Blog article / Product page on

WSA Pitch - Green Coding Solutions

Unser Pitch bei den WSA Awards für Green Coding Solutions und das Green Metrics Tool.

Green Kernel Plugin - We are funded by the Green Screen Coalition

Wir sind stolz und glücklich 🤩, bekannt zu geben, dass die Green Coding Solutions GmbH einer der diesjährigen Gewinner des Green Screen Catalyst Fund ist! Als eines von 15 Unternehmen, die aus über 350 Bewerbungen ausgewählt wurden!

Damit wird die Entwicklung eines unserer Tools zur Evaluierung des Energieverbrauchs im Linux-Kernel - und damit die Einsicht und Quantifizierung der Energiekosten von Software auf Prozessebene - ermöglicht und weiter unterstützt.

Vielen Dank an die Green Screen Coalition 🌱 (Ariadne, Ford Foundation, Internet Society Foundation, Mozilla Foundation, Green Web Foundation, Critical Infrastructure Lab und die Mercator Foundation) für die Finanzierung dieses bahnbrechenden Fonds 🙏.

dena study on Green Coding

We have been tasked by the dena (Deutsche Energie Agentur) to make a hopefully groundbreaking study on Green Coding als Standard in der Softwareentwicklung für eine stromsparende Gestaltung der Digitalisierung.

Us in the media

Background - Tagesspiegel


In the Tagesspiegel background feature, our CEO Arne Tarara talks about the CO2 and energy costs of AI models and how to deal with them. how these are dealt with. Transparency is key to managing the risks properly.

Dossier - Süddeutsche Zeitung

Süddeutsche Zeitung

In the Süddeutsche Zeitung dossier entitled “Deep Dive: Initiative promotes focus on green coding” we are interviewed on our ambitons and goals with the Eco Compute 2024.

Datacenter-Insider Article - Ecocompute

“Ecocompute: The devil is in the details” is giving a detailed Re-Cap on our Eco-Compute conference in 2024. Worth a read

🇩🇪 The Eco-Compute conference 2024 from 25. – 26. April in Munich


We were interviewed at Grü about the content and concept of the Eco-Compute conference. Why is the approach with digital sustainability in hardware and software so unique and what are our goals for April.

🇩🇪 How sustainable online shop software can reduce the digital CO2 footprint


In the e-tailment feature, we talk about green coding, especially in online stores. Where leverage points are, but also new approaches to stand out from the competition with a sustainable and CO2-conscious store.

🇩🇪 What startups need to know about Green Coding


In this Gründerszene feature, we talk about green coding specifically for start-ups. What you should pay attention to when setting up an IT startup and wanting to avoid CO2 emissions with digital products.


PowerLetrics: An Open-Source Framework for Power and Energy Metrics for Linux


The increasing energy consumption of software and hardware systems has become a significant concern due to its environmental impact and operational costs. While operating systems like Windows and macOS have proprietary, undocumented energy analytics functionality, this feature is still lacking in Linux. In this paper we introduce PowerLetrics, an open-source framework designed to monitor and analyze power consumption metrics on a process level on Linux.

Green Metrics Tool: Measuring for fun and profit


The environmental impact of software is gaining increasing attention as the demand for computational resources continues to rise. In order to optimize software resource consumption and reduce carbon emissions, measuring and evaluating software is a first essential step. In this paper we discuss what metrics are important for fact base decision making. We introduce the Green Metrics Tool (GMT), a novel framework for accurately measuring the resource consumption of software. The tool provides a containerized, con- trolled, and reproducible life cycle-based approach, assessing the resource use of software during key phases. Finally, we discuss GMT features like visualization, comparability and rule- and LLM-based optimisations highlighting its potential to guide developers and researchers in reducing the environmental impact of their software.

Improving Carbon Emissions of Federated Large Language Model Inference through Classification of Task-Specificity

Future Generation Computer Systems

Conference publication at HotCarbon 2024 - We present a paper to reduce the energy consumption of LLM inference by using specialized open source models selected by a classifier beforehand.

Development and evaluation of a reference measurement model for assessing the resource and energy efficiency of software products and components—Green Software Measurement Model (GSMM)

Future Generation Computer Systems

Veröffentlichung in Future Generation Computer Systems - Das Green Software Measurement Model integriert Ergebnisse von 12 Gruppen von Forschern und Praktikern. In unserem Teil beschreiben wir, wie professionelle Energie- und CO2-messungen mit modernen container-nativen Open-Source-Werkzeugen durchgeführt werden können.

Software Life Cycle Assessment in the wild

EnviroInfo Conference Proceedings 2023

Publication in the GI conference proceedings of EnviroInfo 2023 - Software Life Cycle Assessment (SLCA) is gaining attention for its environmental impacts in production, deployment, usage, and disposal. Unlike LCA for physical products, SLCA is still evolving in software.

Transparency for software climate impact

Bits&Bäume Conference Proceedings 2023

Concepts Towards a Life Cycle Assessment of Software - We are sketching out how software emissions over it’s whole lifecycle can be attributed with current tools and methodologies including future challenges and issues.


Boilerplate der Green Coding Solutions GmbH
Paket mit Vitae von Didi Hoffmann, Arne Tarara und Michelle Grüne
Foto Package (Solo, Founders, Team)
Foto Paket mit Didi Hoffmann, Arne Tarara, Gründer, C-Level und gesamtes Team
Green Coding Pill Logo (transparent)
Firmenlogo - Quadrat - Ohne Text
Green Coding Name Tag Logo (transparent)
Firmenlogo mit Schriftzug 'Green Coding' auf transparentem Hintergrund
Green Coding Name Tag Logo (midnight)
Firmenlogo mit Schriftzug 'Green Coding' auf blau / midnight Hintergrund