Talks & Events
CO2-Emissionen von Software messen - Der Rundumschlag
Event Date: 1.4.2025 at 18:30

Diese Deep-Dive Session gibt einen rundum Einblick in das Thema Software-Messungen mit Hintergrundwissen zu den zugrunde liegenden Standards für Messungen (GHG Protocol, Green Software Foundation SCI) und taucht dann in einen sehr konkreten Hands-On Teil ab. [...]

Measurement Workshop - HTW Berlin (Nov 2024)
Event Date: 8.11.2024 at 11:30

Prof. Dr. Volker Wohlgemuth has invited us to a measurement Workshop at the HTW Berlin. We are extremely delighted to having had the opportunity to present the concept of understanding and measuring software carbon emissions to some young and information hungry students. [...]

HotCarbon Conference - 2024
Event Date: 9.7.2024 at 12:00

HotCarbon aims to bring together researchers and practitioners in computer and networked systems to engage in a lively discussion around sustainability throughout the entire computing lifecycle, focusing on both the operational and embodied impact of computer systems. [...]

Measurement Workshop - HTW Berlin (May 2024)
Event Date: 7.5.2024 at 11:30

Prof. Dr. Verena Majuntke has invited us to a measurement Workshop at the HTW Berlin. We are extremely delighted to having had the opportunity to present the concept of understanding and measuring software carbon emissions to some young and information hungry students. [...]

EcoCompute Conference
Event Date: 25.4.2024 at 09:00

EcoCompute aims to address the current issue of energy and resource consumption of digital infrastructures with a new approach: We want to bring together hardware designers, software developers, data center operators and also IT project planners to understand intersectional barriers and implementation hurdles. [...]

Green IT -
Event Date: 4.4.2024 at 18:00

Vortrag: Green Software Engineering - Nachhaltige Software-Entwicklung mit Arne Tarara Unter Green Software Engineering, oder nachhaltiger Software-Entwicklung, versteht man die Entwicklung von Software mit dem Ziel, so wenig Umwelt-Emissionen wie möglich zu verursachen. [...]

Beyond Buzzwords: Making Digital Sustainability a Reality
Event Date: 22.2.2024 at 15:00

Many teams within our community understand the necessity of integrating their digital products into their sustainability strategies. However, in a series of recent interviews with product teams, we revealed a disconnect between awareness and action. Sounds familiar? The reasons, though straightforward, pose significant challenges: [...]

CNCF TAG ENV Meeting - Green Metrics Tool
Event Date: 31.1.2024 at 16:00

We had the opportunity to present at the Cloud Native Computing Foundation - TAG Environmental Sustainability about energy and carbon measurement of open source software. In the presentation we go over all the feature that the Green Metrics Tool provides including: [...]

Green Software Development Frankfurt - Sustainable Software - 18.01.2024
Event Date: 18.1.2024 at 18:15

We are invited to be speaker at the Green Software Development Meetup Frankfurt this time hosted by Accso. German description: Mit Software Gutes tun ist unser Ansatz bei Accso. Deshalb treiben wir auch das Thema nachhaltige Softwareentwicklung voran. Wer sich davon einen Eindruck machen möchte, hat die Gelegenheit am 18. Januar: Das Meetup Green Software Development ist in der Frankfurter Accso-Niederlassung zu Gast. [...]

Mannheim Business School - Green Coding Guest Lecture IIML
Event Date: 17.1.2024 at 15:30

We are invited to give a guest lecture at the Mannheim Business School about Green Coding. The Indian Institute of Management is visiting Mannheim Business School in January for a study trip to hear some lectures about sustainability and sustainabile management. [...]