Talks & Events
Meetup #1 Mein Fair Mögen
Event Date: 25.11.2021 at 19:00

Money makes the world go round: Financial markets still finance an economy that is on average not fit to mitigate or even adapt to climate change. Who wants to invest for a decent pension faces difficulties to find out where the money goes in the end. Aiming for impact to make the world better, is even harder. MyFairMoney/ MeinFairMögen is starting here: presenting independent information on climate performance of financial products, helping consumers to choose more climate friendly products. [...]

Sustainable (through) IT
Event Date: 12.9.2021 at 19:00

In his talk about “Sustainability (through) IT” Thomas will give an overview of different approaches and possibilities on how IT can reduce resource consumption and CO2 emissions by predicting and balancing supply and demand in volatile markets that usually see a lot of overproduction and resource loss. [...]